Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Seriously, a MUST read for mommies with BOYS!

Ten Boy-Mom Musts

Oh man! This was sooo funny! It is 100% truth. It was like I wrote it myself! Boys are such a handful! Everyone tells me they're easier than girls, but I completely disagree! I have friends with girls and they seem a lot more calm and easier than any of my boys! I have such little drama queens! All they do is fight and cry. There are days I could literally rip my hair out. I now understand the meaning of unconditional love! Hahaha

Monday, June 17, 2013

*Start Over*

Well, I have officially deleted my Facebook page. Found that it didn't help my negativity one bit! Just recently was diagnosed with Bipolar and PTSD. I go in for further testing on Wednesday. I can't wait to get help for all of it. It's been a LONG 23 years dealing with problems that aren't very easy to deal with. I have an audition for The Voice next month in Texas. I am so excited! I am ready to sing. That's all I want! It's my life, my dream. I hope that I get past my nerves and they like my voice. I sing really good, it's just different. But, different is what they're looking for. Wish me luck!

Christopher has been diagnosed with ADHD and Anxiety. He got on meds back in November and has done wonderful. A complete improvement at school and home. He got into some trouble at school for stealing a boy's 3DS. He was definitely in the wrong, but don't understand why a parent would allow their child to take an almost $300 game to school? I know I wouldn't! We are working on the stealing and lying deal still. I think he is getting it finally. He really is an amazing kid, we just have a few things to work out. He has started drawing and writing books. He wants to be an author when he grows up. His whole life is reading. I am not complaining at all! I am very proud of him. He was practically in third grade reading when they tested him at the beginning of his 2nd grade school year! His grades were excellent at the end of the year. Only problems were behavior. But, it is nowhere as bad as it use to be. He has a hard time with friends. It makes me extremely sad, but I went through it as well. I know he will be just fine so long as he has enough love at home. I continue to tell him that everything will be ok and to pay attention to school because those kids won't be around forever. But, he needs his schooling to get somewhere in life. I hope that repeating these words to him that he will listen to me and not go through the things I did. 

Braylon has been diagnosed with ADHD. He has been getting treatment for it all, it seems to be working well. He goes to see a behavioral specialist once a month due to his behavior which is caused by his developmental delays. They took him out of speech therapy at the end of the this past school year! They said he is like a whole new child compared to the year before when he started going there. We are hoping to get him into Christopher's school for his last preschool year! Hopefully, the waiting list isn't too long! We have a lot of meltdowns due to his ADHD. I am certain that there is more wrong than just that, I am thinking he got my Bipolar. They wouldn't do anything with that until he is older though, or I got tested. Which, I did. So, at his appointment next week, I will be discussing with the doctors about that. He goes from happy to screaming in 2.5 seconds! He acts exactly like I did when I was little. The medicine works for a while, then it just seems to make him more whiny. Which, when they put me on ADHD meds, I did the same. The fighting between him and Christopher is ridiculous! 99% of the time, they don't get along. We have started behavior, reward, and chore charts last week. So far, they are helping a little. They got to pick their prizes and all, so hopefully, rewarding their good behavior will help! I am trying a whole new discipline system. I really hope it works!

Daicen is doing excellent. He passed his 18 month old check up with what the PA said, "Flying colors!" He does have severe allergies. Being at the park longer than 15 minutes has his eyes beat red and watery and his nose running like crazy the rest of the day. They put him on Claritin, that didn't work at all, so now we are trying Zyrtec. So far he has been a lot happier! He goes in for testing next month to check on food allergies. Back during Christmas he broke out in hives after eating chocolate. He still does off and on. So, We just want to check him completely out incase he has a severe allergy to something that we don't know about. He is hilarious. He likes to sing and dance. The child just LOVES music! The instant that music comes on, he has a huge smile on his face and is dancing. I love it! He loves the outdoors. He could care less about toys and play equipment. He just wants nature. To touch trees, grass, pine cones, rocks, etc. He just runs through the field and explores. He says, "Side?!" when he wants to go outside and play. The most adorable conversation I have ever had with an 18 month old happened the other night. He was crying in his bed at bedtime, I came in and held him. I said, "We go night night and we got outside tomorrow, but you have to go night night." He said, "SIDE?!" and I said, "Yes!" And he said, "YA?!" and I said, "Yes, now go night night." He laid right down and went to sleep. The next morning he woke up, I came into his room, he says, "SIDE?!" I said, "Yes, we go outside today!" It was awesome. He makes me smile. I am trying to take a different approach in parenting with him. I know I still make mistakes, but I am REALLY trying. I am proud of myself for growing up, but at 15, I really didn't know what I was doing. Over time, I have learned what to do and what not to do for the sake of my kids. I am following the parenting books and advice with Daicen. So far, he is doing a lot better than the other 2. He is quiet for the most part and he listens extremely well for his age. Better than the other 2, combined. 

On a sad note. My sister-in-law, Kelsey, passed away back in November. Man, has it been hard! Braylon misses her SO much. He literally has said at least one thing about her everyday since she's been gone. She had abdominal bleeding from a ruptured fallopian tube. Just finally found out recently, she was pregnant. She had a tubal pregnancy. My mother-in-law, Lois hasn't been doing too well. She tries so hard to be positive, but I know and my husband knows, that it's just killing her. Kelsey was her best friend. I hate the constant deaths that keep happening to our families. It's really hard to keep going through the same pain repeatedly. 

My grandpa was just diagnosed with Cancer... He has prostate and bone cancer. He can barely walk without pain meds. It's really hard to watch the strongest man you know, go through such pain. His kidneys failed last month. That is how they found it.

My grandma went into the hospital back in February with extreme stomach pain. She has had consistent problems with her pancreas. She had pancreatitis, it killed 80% of her pancreas. She is now diabetic. She was in the hospital for a month. It was the most horrible thing I ever had to watch. They had her so doped up that she doesn't even remember being in there. It took a couple months to get her back to strength again, but she seems to be doing MUCH better! This is all still hard for her to go through, especially now that my grandpa has Cancer. I know my grandparent's can't be around forever, I am just never going to be ready to let them go. But, I guess that isn't my call, is it? It's all in God's hands. I don't know what I will do without them when the time comes. They're what I know as home. Back in January, I sat down with both of them and made complete amends. Told them how much I loved them and appreciated them. How sorry I am for everything I ever put them through. I guess my instinct knew bad things were about to happen. I am just happy that I won't have to live with the regret of not telling them what I needed to. The last thing I need is another regret in my life.

Well, I suppose I will go. Making Jesse's Father's Day meal today. I have been so tired, I completely slacked yesterday for Father's Day. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

* Beginning Of 2012 *

Hello! It's been awhile since I wrote on here! I believe that this is the start of a really good year! But, before we get into that, I will take you up to speed on the end of 2011! =) Christopher was officially adopted by my hubby! I am sooo glad to be done with the whole family now! I have never been so happy in my life besides the birth of my children. Speaking of which.. We had our 3rd boy on November 25th at 2:04 PM. His name is Daicen Warren. He was 8 lb 6 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He had dark brown hair when he was born. It is slowly getting light and redder. =) He is such a big momma's boy! He had jaundice after he was born and had to go to the Dr. everyday for his blood to be taken the whole first week we had him home. We had a scare this past week! I took Daicen to his 1 month check up and talked to his Dr. because he had been projectile vomiting after every feeding. Jesse and I ended up having to take him to Wichita to be admitted into the hospital for dehydration and vomiting. The hospital wouldn't allow him to eat for over 27 hours due to not being able to keep it down and the possibility of surgery. =( He had 3 sonograms of his tummy within 2 days and had to have images of his tummy on an X-Ray. He did not have to have surgery, thank God. We came to find that he has a milk protein allergy. So, he can no longer breast feed or be on normal formula. He is now on Similac Isomil. We also found that he has horrible acid reflux. He is now on Zantac for that. He has been doing absolutely amazing! He is like a totally different baby. I knew there was something wrong when he never seemed full and kept vomiting. Braylon has not been doing so good. We are having a horrible time with bossiness and cussing. He is also been super mean and hitting a lot. Christopher doesn't help the situation though. Lol By the way another bad and scary thing that happened a couple weeks ago, Christopher got a spanking with a belt and moved and it ended up bruising him. He went to school and they called SRS and the cops. I ended up having the cops and SRS show up at our house. They were going to take all 3 kids until they had talked to us. They said they knew it wasn't abuse or neglect due to Christopher not being scared to come home and how scared we were. So, we now have to make a decision on if we want to take parenting classes and stuff to learn different techniques to handle the kids such as Braylon's horrific behavior.
On a different note, I think this will be a good year. Everything is over with and we're paying a lot of debt off here in the next month or so. Jesse has also got an amazing job and we actually have a little spending room. Christmas was so much better this year! The boys were so happy and excited with everything that they got. =) Well, I guess I am going to go. Gotta watch the Broncos hopefully whoop up on the Chiefs! Let's go TEBOW!

Monday, October 10, 2011

*Hardest Part Of Life*

Hello, it's been a long while. New update of life. I am still pregnant with this bouncy baby boy, Leiland Nash. I am just about 33 weeks along, so not too much longer. THANK GOD! This has been a super long pregnancy because I have been in sooo much pain.
Braylon will be 3 in less than a month. Hopefully the terrible twos leave directly on his birthday as fast as they came along! We have been getting a little better, up until today. Haha.. He has been a little hellion today!
Christopher has been doing REALLY good in school! He has a 100% in Spelling. He is just like his mommy. =) He is doing very good in Math as well. The bad part is, is that he is completely opposite from the past school years. He is being good at school, but not so good at home. It was completely the other way around! Weird kid. Lol Overall, I am very proud of him!
Jesse and mine's anniversary was Friday. We have been together 4 years, married 2 years. The best 4 years of my life I must add. =) We went out to Jillian's for a fancy little dinner. It was amazing! We had no kids all night which was really nice. Although we were still in bed by 11. Haha ... We have gotten so old. But, it was nice to have alone time to just relax and enjoy each other's company. Saturday we pretty much finished cleaning out my aunt's house. We have just a little more to do, but it is sooo much cleaner now!
On a different, not so happy note, we had court the 4th for the adoption of Christopher. His bio-dad (sperm donor) ended up showing up. He got out of prison on the 18th of last month. Yee frickin haw! So, since he showed up to the court, we have to go to trial. I don't understand why he is making us go through all of this. He hasn't seen or talked to Christopher since he was 2 1/2, he is now 6!! That's almost 4 years! He has never paid child support or anything. Even though we are going to court, it doesn't change any of the facts that he has had absolutely no contact with him in 2 consecutive years. But, I am still worried just because I am a mommy and that's what we do, worry! I hope the judge sees past all his lies. And just because he created Christopher, doesn't make him his dad. My husband has been supporting him over half of his life! My husband is the only person in the world that Christopher knows as his dad. He doesn't even remember any of that family. I ended up having to delete my Facebook accounts because apparently I can't trust anybody! This dude that I have been friends with for a very long time was letting Christopher's sperm donor look at my Facebook and has been hanging out with the piece of crap since he's been out of prison. It's really bad when you think you have friends and they turn around and do horrible things like that. I guess he condoned of him abusing me and abandoning Christopher. Isn't he just the winner? I really needed to vent today and I no long have a Facebook account for the time being, so I guess I will put everything here. =) Well, I am gonna go! bye!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So, it has been awhile, again! Everything has been pretty hectic around our house! I have been in school Monday-Wednesday nights, husband works for 10+ hours a day, kids have activities, etc. I am super exhausted! But, I have to do it because I want to keep kids busy and help them interact with other kids. We went and signed Christopher up for Boy Scouts last night. He is a Tiger Cub. It's so exciting! It wasn't fun though... Braylon was a terror! He wouldn't sit and just kept running around. On top of that, they had the A/C turned down so Jesse and I were sweating to death! Lol Now, it is a little funny, but then it wasn't! We got the lawyer paid and petitions filed for adoption of Christopher last Friday. I am so ready for all of that to be over with so we can all move on with our lives! I am not sure if I put in the last posts if we had decided on the baby's name? But, we decided on Leiland Nash! I am sooo anxious for him to be here! =) I will be 27 weeks along tomorrow! Just a little over 10 weeks to go. He is so active, I love it. I just recently got a UTI that my Dr. forgot to call and tell me that I had. I was pretty mad! I was in SO much pain! Luckily I am doing better now that I took all the antibiotics. But, the past 3 weeks sucked! So far we are liking our new house. Although, we are having issues with the landlord showing up unannounced driving by all the time. I don't know what she thinks she is going to find? We did talk about bringing our dog here, but it's going to cost $100 extra a month, so we have to wait til October. I think she thinks we are going to bring him here anyway. But, if I was going to do that, I would've just done it anyways and not said anything to her. But, I guess that's just her way of showing she doesn't trust us! But, anyways! I am gonna go. Ttyl! <3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

* New House *

We have now been living in our house for 2 weeks and 2 days. I will just begin to say that it is AMAZING! I have not been this relieved and happy in quite some time. When we first moved in our A/C wasn't working... That really sucked! But, the bad part is that it was still cooler in here than it was in the house we were living in and we at least had one window air. How crazy is that? I have been keeping up with the house because I am not so hot and exhausted. The kids finally have an area to play in. Overall, I am just happy!
On a different note, Braylon will now only sleep with us! He falls asleep on the living room floor and if we try to put him in his own bed, he instantly knows. We have been trying everything. I guess it is better then him getting up and roaming around in the middle of the night. He is sleeping on our floor which is better then in bed with us.
Christopher is officially enrolled and set up for 1st grade! It's so crazy that my baby is 6! He now has grades and attendance. We went and seen who is teacher was yesterday. He said, "Is she a mean teacher?" I was like, "I hope not!" Lol kids crack me up! We go for his open house on Thursday to make sure he is all signed up and good to go and so we can see his classroom and meet his new teacher. I have my fingers crossed and I have been praying hard that this year will be better then the last and that he will get along better at this school.
I started school last night! Needless to say, I ended up bawling when I left... I am super disappointed in myself for not finishing regular high school when I know I wouldn't of had a problem doing so. I guess I will just have to swallow all that disappointment and just keep on going. I can't wait til it is all over though. The class was only suppose to be 3 nights, but apparently someone got confused. I go for like a whole semester. I didn't score very well on my math test... That really sucked!
Well, anyways I am gonna go and finish eating my breakfast before my youngest wakes up! Bye! <3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

* Been Awhile *

Well, it's been a few since the last time I wrote. We got a house a few minutes from where we already live. I am so excited to move out of this house! I have the whole house to pack still, but kids never let me have the time to do so. We started a new routine with the kids and it's seems to be working, slowly, but it's working. The only part that is still not working is Braylon not wanting to go to bed until 11 PM and waking at 7 AM .. I am sooo exhausted! I can only imagine how my husband is feeling since he has been working 10 hours a day in this yucky heat! And this weekend, we have to make sure the whole house is packed. It's never ending. But, after we get moved in and everything settled, I am sure things will change. At least we'll have A/C, that might help with my youngest not going to sleep. 
I got Christopher enrolled yesterday. I am actually dreading him going to school. Last year was NOT a good school year. I really don't want to go through all the things we went through last year. I have been praying that things will be better this year. I feel that if the teachers and other helpers spent as much time with my son as they do calling me and having me come to the school, things would be going better. He is going to a different school that is licensed to handle behavioral problems. We will see how it goes. I know he hasn't been doing very good here at home. I really hope that changes! Well, I suppose I am going to go! Bye!